The fundamental mission of Slippery Rock University is to provide high quality undergraduate and graduate academic
instruction. Complementary missions are to conduct scholarly research, to promote professional performance, and to
address the educationally-related economic, health, environmental, social, cultural, and recreational needs of the
region served by the university
The perspectives of Slippery Rock University are contemporary and futuristic, national and international. The
university provides experiences and opportunities for students to demonstrate leadership and to develop confidence
and self-reliance; it promotes their intellectual, social, and physical development; and it accomplishes these in an
open, caring, nurturing, and friendly environment. Slippery Rock University is committed to serving and empowering
all segments of the population that can benefit from its offerings.
Master of Business Administration (MBA)
Slippery Rock University offers a hybrid MBA Program that offers a multimodal delivery approach with live classes at SRU Main Campus, RLA, or online for any session.
For more information, contact:
MBA Program Coordinator
Dr. Liang Xu
P: 724-738-4212
Financial Aid